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Exposure of underground infrastructures 



What is the exposure process?

Exposing the ground is done in a state where there are a number of infrastructures in different depths on one area where the infrastructure’s work is operated. Mostly, exposure is done for building the foundations for a big structure or changing the surface, for an example: a local park.

Exposure can be made by engineering mechanic equipment or by suction. When using engineering tools, it’s important to use precise plans that were written in a preliminary coverage. The more precise those plans will be, the bigger the chance that the job will be done as clean as possible, with no unnecessary damages.

In the country, there are many faults related to the infrastructures’ exposure stage, a thing that creates delay at work and a waste of time around unprofessional conduct. Sometimes, a situation is created where operating the project takes twice the time allotted to it.

When operating an exposure of underground infrastructure systems, a few things make the work right and professional:

  • A connection between the companies who operated the coverage to the contractors who operate the exposure work. the coverage company should mark on the field all the systems and do so thoroughly and professionally: every hit and miss of a system could stop the infrastructure’s supply to the city or council and cause economic damage (in addition to the damage in the residents’ activity, business owners and various companies/communities)
  •  A professional connection between the planning company and the council or municipality for receiving permits and proper, efficient and quick work as possible – what’ll prevent a repeating call and unnecessary bureaucracy as a result of lack of professionalism and familiarity with the rules and the municipal guidelines.
  •  Familiarity with the broad field and the updated changes happening in it. This knowledge will spare needles surprises that weren’t considered in advance and could delay the job.

The process of exposing the ground is a process that requires precision and careful work, and may delay the building if the thing is done improperly, and may even harm the infrastructures, which leads to an economical damage for the company who operates the building, for the residents and the municipality.

The exposure is one level in the process of building a structure, but a level that requires much professionalism: it is important to take care of working with the proper tools, accurate plans and broad familiarity with the building site and the changes happening in its infrastructures.





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